Blog 17

I chose the article about speech communications. I chose this topic because the arts can be a way people communicate. There are many types of ways such as drawing and painting, etc. People with speech issues have a way of expressing themselves through art, not through verbal communication. The way people can benefit from these …

Blog 16

Many scientists state how art is a waste of a class because it is not needed in scientific methods. We are basically turning into robots that are programmed to do one thing and one thing only. The thing is that we aren’t realizing that we need creativity in our lives. We need to come up …

Blog 14

STEP 1) Please upload at least 3-5 pages of your annotations to your Blog and briefly reflect on how you feel you are achieving your annotation goals. (15-25 words) STEP 2) Revisit your notes on active reading and understanding context and do your best to describe each of the three contexts we’ve discussed in class. …

Blog 12

In my essay I am looking back to the rubric and I need a way to write a conclusion that keeps the reader thinking but also to make my point known. My goals are to fix up my paragraphs and find a closing statement. I will accomplish these goals by rereading my essay and listening …

Peer Review 2

I would include your story and how it helped you or guided you. Also, connect with someone else’s narrative that you had a problem with so that the story can connect with you. I would also include how Beck and Strawson are two totally different people and how they have different opinions and how those …

Blog 11

Blog # 11: Revisit the Barclay Paragraph: Write a Barclay paragraph that connects a quote from one Narrative Project with one of our assigned essays. The mortal one of the narrative projects by Sophia was to not judge someone by their looks you never know their background. The story was about how a man looked …

Blog 10

Write Blog #10 (200-400 words) comparing your second reading experience with your first. Did you notice something new? Did you react differently to one of the author’s claims? Did you read something critically when, at first, you read it as a believer or vice versa? Continue to “clear the fog.” Look up at least two …

Blog 9

Blog #9: Set a timer for 15 minutes and free write your response to Galen’s argument. Note specific moments in his essay as you respond. Some things to consider: Have you ever felt impeded by your “life story?” If so, how? Do you feel like it’s truthful or possible to perceive your self as a …

Blog 8

Blog #8: (200-300 words) Julie Beck covers a lot of ground as she explores narrative’s potentially powerful influence on our lives. Identify at least three notable assertions or other moments in Beck’s text that caused you to sit up straighter and take notes. Explain what exactly caught your eye. Did you react as a believer …
