SPE 301


The case study we had to read and write about goes perfect with CEC standard 2 which states beginning special education professionals create safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments so that individuals with exceptionalities become active and effective learners and develop emotional well being, positive social interactions, and self-determination. The case study I chose was second grade which had a teacher who had no control over her class and got frustrated because they weren’t following the rules she placed. In our lesson of the first six weeks we had a discussion about how important those weeks are and how they establish relationships and the procedures followed in the classroom. She was already teaching on the sixth day and wondered why no one was listening to her. 

In my classroom I will work with my students to create a safe space. I want them to walk in that first day while they are built up with all those nerves to have them feel safe. I want to set down the “rules” but work as a team to create them. If the student is helping create these rules they will be more likely to follow them because they weren’t just told they contributed to it. Also setting up the procedures as a group such as we did in 301 “ In SPE 301, we will demonstrate interactive learning while being kind and respectful. We will achieve this through communication of our mutual goals, individual needs, and ideas. Through KG’s organization and our own organizations, we will create a balance between class and our outside lives.” This give the kids a voice to how they want the classroom run and how they are going to be expected to get there.

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