Learning outcome 1

My first draft and the final draft had a huge amount of growth. When you write the first draft you think your writing is good and is fine to submit. In this course, we took it a step further. We had peer reviews which indicated another person or two to look over your paper and make revisions. My paper at the end was all marked up with comments and things to fix. I wouldn’t expect it to have that many comments but having another person’s opinion on it made it an eye-opener to see what to fix. In class we discussed how having another person’s perspective will help you form a better paper. It also gives ideas on what to include or how to elaborate on a topic that is included but needs more explanation. We know what we are writing about but the reader does not and we learned how to make it clearer. I feel this showed a development because it showed me what to look for in my writing next time and to have others input on my writing than just writing one draft and wrapping it up and calling it a day. But to take the time to rethink the essay have someone look over can make a difference in my writing. 
