Blog 17

I chose the article about speech communications. I chose this topic because the arts can be a way people communicate. There are many types of ways such as drawing and painting, etc. People with speech issues have a way of expressing themselves through art, not through verbal communication. The way people can benefit from these needs connects to YoYo Ma’s story because she says that art is a way of expressing while the scientific article states that we don’t need art anymore. As people, we are not all alike and those who benefit from expressing themselves through art would be at a great disadvantage. It is not just people who suffer from speech impediments that rely on the arts it is also individuals that are unable to express their emotions or people that take comfort in creating beautiful pieces. Taking away the arts is not benefiting anyone or anything. It might not be constructing on how to work a computer but we are not robots we are humans. Humans have emotions and some cannot express it through words. There have to be options that can be an alternative for these people. We need options and art is a way of reading someone such as what they draw or the colors they use and the facial expressions while drawing or anything helps the person know how they can help. We all either can’t or decides to not talk about these things we feel need to be expressed and proceed but if we take art away what does that lead us nothing. We think science is key and that’s all we need in this world but that’s not true. I chose this article because it seemed good because it was a reliable site. 

Comments 1

  • I’m curious if you used the CRAAP test to assess the reliability of your site. Your topic sounds fantastic, however. I can see you forming a unique and interesting argument from the conversation between Ma, Lehrer, and your source. Please make sure that you name your source in your paper. I can’t wait to read it!

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