Blog 14

STEP 1) Please upload at least 3-5 pages of your annotations to your Blog and briefly reflect on how you feel you are achieving your annotation goals. (15-25 words)

STEP 2) Revisit your notes on active reading and understanding context and do your best to describe each of the three contexts we’ve discussed in class. 1) What is the surrounding context for this essay? Where and when was it first published? Who wrote the essay, and what do you notice about the author’s bio? 2) What is the circumstantial context? What circumstances surround your personal reading experience? What is your purpose for reading this text? 3) Describe the intentional context. What is the rhetorical situation? What is the scope? What is the “so what?” Finally, please choose three unfamiliar words or references to look up. Define or explain those terms in your blog.

I feel my annotations have improved. I was able to summarize more and have a better conversation with the texts. 

The person who wrote this essay was by Yo-Yo Ma. This was published in January of 2014. I notice that Yo-Yo Ma was very successful in the music business. The music helped him through life situations which grew the interest at a younger age. He caught that music and art helped others with problems and was a way to be creative. Ma wants to add art into schools and add them into the program called STEM into STEAM. I agree with this because I feel the arts are overlooked and the main focuses are science, technology, engineering, and math. We don’t see how art can help us express ourselves. The music we can express how we feel by words while the art we can express by a drawing, painting, etc. It is another way of expressing emotions and tell stories in different ways than talking about them. The way art is looked at is a joke but to others, it is their voice. It’s a way to be free and people can learn about the person that way and how they are feeling. Not everyone is an open book, it is harder for some people to talk about things but music and art are a way to cope with these things or a way to have power over something.


1) Virtuosos- a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit. 

  2)  Counterproductive: having the opposite of the desired effect

 3) Invigorate: Giving a certain type of strength or energy to someone or something

Comments 1

  • Great! I can’t see your annotations, however. I want to let you know just in case you’ve posted them and something has gone wrong. Make sure to revisit Ma’s ideas about Equilibrium, as they play an important role in his essay.

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