Blog 6

Part 1: After reading Anne Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts” (est. time: 15 minutes), take a minute to compare and contrast your own first draft (and the experience of writing it) with Lamott’s descriptions. What did you notice? Did anything surprise you about this short essay? Did anything offend you? (100-150 words) (est. time: 20 minutes)

I noticed Lamott’s point of view, such as going back and revising your work. After you write your first draft you will always have errors. The second draft, the “up draft” which you fix up the draft. The third draft is the dental draft, which is all good and done. My draft, was all unorganized and all my ideas scattered. Which is what Lamott stated the first draft is like. 

Part 2: At the bottom of your post, please type/include your REVISION PLAN STRATEGY (est. time 40 minutes)

  1. Your goal (or goals), articulated in your own words
  2. The steps you plan to take to achieve this goal (in order of priority)
  3. What you see as your biggest challenge
  4. And what will you do if a challenge comes up that proves too difficult for you to solve on your own? In other words, what resources do you plan to use?

1) My goal is to have a well written essay but also have all my points connect to my thesis. 

2) The steps:

  • Include all three authors into the essay
  • Go through the peer reviews and reflect and fix my paper with their ideas
  • Go through and add some “they say, I say” prompt set ups
  • Fix the organization of the paper to where the wording fits better
  • Add a stronger conclusion
  • Fix my grammatical errors 

3) The biggest challenge is going to be wrapping up the essay. Finding a closing statement for my thesis. Along with that, I feel taking in the feedback and trying not to delete my essay but to fix it and change up the essay to be better. This is what I believe would be the biggest challenge. 

4) If the challenge becomes too hard to solve, I would seek out for help. One helpful person could be my peer editor and see what they think would work. They have some knowledge behind my essay, which can help me so they can give some suggestions. Another resource could be the writing center who can help me understand my peer edits and how to improve on my essay.

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